WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

About WAPP
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1. Nathaniel was a Sulphur Millman who started at the Mills on the 8th July1797 (Supply 5/219). In addition, he was a Private in the Volunteer Company. 2. Report dated the 8th May 1801 (Supply 5/221) recorded that he was then working as a Labourer, and that he was a married man with no children. In this document, anyone who was not an Artificer was described as a Labourer. 3. A Return of Artificers and Labourers dated the 3rd November 1801 (Supply 5/221) recorded that although he was employed as a Saltpetre Millman, he was then engaged in cleaning and deepening the river, canals, ditches and other work necessary to be performed, for which he was paid 1/6d per day. 4. Nathaniel worked as a Refiner (Supply 5/222 dated the 8th May 1804) with pay of 2/-d per day. All Refiners received an additional allowance of 1/-d per night when it was their turn "to watch" - on average every 5th night. 5. According to the List of Foreman Artificers and Labourers Employed dated the 30th January 1806 (Supply 5/224), Mr. Bennett was employed as a Saltpetre Millman, earning 2/-d per day. He had 9 years' service, which agrees with entry No.1. 6. Still a Saltpetre Millman in June, 1807, when a note (Supply 5/226) said "that in addition to his pay, he was allowed to Watch in turn, for which he received 1/-d." 7. Still a Brimstone and Saltpetre Millman in August 1808 (Supply 5/227 dated the 27th August 1808), he was paid the same 2/-d per day as previously, and allowed to watch in turn. This information was basically the same in September 1810 (Supply 5/228).