WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. March Baker was Apprenticed to the Master Saltpetre Refiner on the 1st June, 1804, with pay of 1/4d per day (Supply 5/223). He was still serving his Apprenticeship in 1805 and 1806, and Supply 5/224 dated the 30th January 1806 recorded that he had 2 years' service and was earning 1/4d per day 2. Still Apprenticed to the Master Refiner of Saltpetre according to the List of Artificers and Others Employed (Supply 5/226 dated the18th June 1807) earning 1/6d per day. 3. Supply 5/227 dated the 23rd August 1808, stated March's pay under Samuel Knowler was 6/4d per week, and that his Master, Samuel Knowler, was allowed 7/-d per week in respect of March Baker's Apprenticeship. Supply 5/227 of the 30th September 1808, confirmed the same information. Another document of the same date showed that March was literate. 4. Supply 5/228 dated the 1st September 1810 stated that his pay had increased to 7/-d per week, while his Master was paid 9/-d per week in respect of Mr. Baker's Apprenticeship. 5. List of Employees dated the 29th August 1812 (Supply 5/229) stated that Mr. March Baker was now a Saltpetre Refiner who earned 2/8d per day, and in addition, "when not working extra, they are allowed to watch in turn." This was also the case on 13th February 1814, according to Supply 5/230.