WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. Thomas Foreman commenced work at the Mills as a general Labourer earning 1/6d per day, on the 5th November 1789, Supply 5/214 dated the 27th March 1790 stated that he was "Grinding salt petre, charcoal etc.", as was the case on the 14th August 1790 (Supply 5/215), December 1790 (Supply 5/215 dated the 11th December, 1790), April to June 1791 (Supply 5/215 dated the 16th April 1791, the 31st January 1792 (Supply 5/215), July to September 1792 (Supply 5/216), January to September 1793 ( also Supply 5/216), January to August 1794 (Supply 5/216) and December 1794 (Supply 5/217). 2. A Report dated 24th June 1795, recorded that Foreman was a "salt petre Millman," and that his pay remained at 1/6d per day, as was the case in September 1798 (Supply 5/219). 3. A signed document, Supply 5/220 of the 2nd February 1800, relating to a Petition on Pay showed that he was literate and was then working as a Labourer. However, it would appear from subsequent entries that he retained the status of a Saltpetre Millman, and was to do labouring work when not required as a Millman. 4. A Report dated the 8th May 1801 (Supply 5/221) confirmed he was working as a Labourer, and was a widower with 1 child. Note: In this document, anyone not an Artificer, was described as a Labourer. 5. A Return of Artificers and Labourers dated the 3rd November 1801 (also Supply 5/221) recorded that he was employed as a Saltpetre Millman, but at the time, was engaged in cleaning and deepening the river, canals, ditches and other work necessary to be performed. 6. Thomas was now working as a Warder with pay of 2/-d per day. All Warders received an additional allowance of 1/-d per night when it was their turn "to watch" - on average every 5th night. (Supply 5/222 dated the 8th May1804). 7. Thomas is shown on the List of Foremen, Artificers and Labourers Employed dated the 30th January 1806 (Supply 5/224) as a Warder, still at 2/-d. per day. This was also the case in June 1807, and again in 1808, according to the List of Officers, Foremen, Artificers, etc. Employed dated the 23rd August 1808 (Supply 5/227). 8. Return of Employees dated October, 1810, confirmed that Thomas was still employed as a warden at 2/-d per day, and was allowed to round every third night for which he was paid 2/-d (Supply 5/228). 9. A letter to the Board (Supply 5/199 dated the 28th January 1811) requested approval for the retirement of Thomas, due to age and infirmity. The request was granted, and he was to be paid 2/-d per day by the Storekeeper.