WAPP - Waltham Abbey Personnel Project

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1. Chris Edwards was employed as a Labourer in the Engineers' Department and paid 1/6d per day. Between August and September 1790, he worked within the Manufactory with his wages submitted by William Spry, Colonel commanding the Royal Engineers, and paid by the Storekeeper, James Wright. He signed for his pay with a cross (WASC 1382). 2. Christopher Edwards' name appears as a footnote to Supply 5/215 dated the 11th December 1790, indicating that he was "Working in stores". Elsewhere, he is recorded as starting at the Mills on the 21st September 1790. 3. From April to June 1791, he was "setting & drawing stoves and in the punts." 4. By January 1792, he was employed as a Millman and was paid 2/-d per day, with an extra 3d per night when on duty (Supply 5/215 dated the 31st January 1792). 5. He continued working as a Millman for the rest of 1792, as well as in February 1793 (Supply 5/216 dated the 28th February 1793), and August to September 1793 (Supply 5/216). This was also the case in January 1794 (Supply 5/216), and in August 1794 (also Supply 5/216), and December 1794 (Supply 5/217). 6. A signed document, Supply 5/220 of the 2nd February 1800 relating to a Petition on Pay, recorded that he was illiterate and was still working as a Millman. 7. Report dated the 8th May 1801 (Supply 5/221) confirmed that he was still working as a Millman, and that he was a married man with 3 children. 8. A Return of Artificers and Labourers dated the 3rd November 1801 (Supply 5/221) showed that, although still employed as a Millman, he was cleaning and deepening the river and canals, and was performing other sundry necessary work. 9. Mr. Edwards was still employed as a Millman in 1804, when his wage was 2/3d per day. At that date he also had an allowance of 3d per night when on duty "working at the mill" i.e., the night-shift rate was 2/6d. This was also the case in January 1806, when he had been employed with the Ordnance for 15 years (Supply 5/226). After January 1806, there are no further entries found in the records for Mr. Edwards.